As climate advocates, we come to this work with our own set of values.
Story-teller, Advocate or Rebel
All ages, all personalities, all disciplines have their roles in world-healing. Peterson Toscano of Citizen's Climate Radio is host today, speaking with all kinds of folks, including an environmental engineer in the Caribbean, Dr.
Citizens Climate Radio Ep 10 Aaron Thier and a global warming novel
Climate Thought, Poetry, Talk, Price, Music & Radio
Guest host for the week is Peterson Toscano of Citizens' Climate Radio, speaking with Chandler Green on discussing climate issues with Republicans, poet & writer Lilace Mellin Guignard, Elke Arnesen of the Put A Price On It campaign, Dr. Natasha DeJarnett on the health risks of a warmer planet, Dr.
Citizens’ Climate Radio Ep. 5: Diving into climate denial
Ah, climate denial: a constant companion. It has distracted climate advocates and slowed down public discussion and political action. As a result, climate activists and comics have gotten downright snarky and angry at people who are skeptical of climate science. In this episode, we bring in climate advocates and communication experts to explore what might be behind the denial and how to respond.
Citizens Climate Radio with Peterson Toscano
Peterson Toscano of Citizens Climate Radio sits in today as host of Spirit In Action, adding to our Climate Change IQ and giving us reasons for hope and diligence in face of some very compelling needs. As always, Peterson does it with style, creativity, and a generous helping of his brand-name quirky humor & comedy. His guests today include Cathy Orlando, Clara Fang, Piper Christian, Rod Mitchell, Madeleine Para, Lilace Mellin Guignard, and Joanna Huxter.
Cloud of Witnesses
Climate Change — what’s faith got to do with it? To dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and respond to a rapidly changing planet, people of faith and religious leaders play essential roles. Citizens’ Climate Radio host Peterson Toscano introduces you to two people of faith who are active climate advocates.
Climate Change Among Nations
Shelley Tanenbaum & Judy Lumb share their experiences on the ground at the