The topic is the Transition Town movement and the experience of Steve Chase, Director of Advocacy for Social Justice and Sustainability at Antioch University New England and involved with the Keene, NH, transition, and Ruah Swennerfelt, former long-time long-time General Secretary of Quaker Earthcare Witness and is currently involved with the Transition Town implementation in Charlotte, VT.
The Business of Solar - Ralph Jacobson
Ralph Jacobson founded Innovative Power Systems in 1991, giving him 20 years on the learning curve. His outlook & views have been significantly changed by the experience of "doing business". He is also president of the Minnesota Solar Industries and lives in St Paul, Minnesota.
Circles of Trust & the Body Politic - Parker Palmer, Part 2
Parker J. Palmer is author of 9 books including his latest Healing the Heart of Democracy: The Courage to Create a Politics Worthy of the Human Spirit. In his writing and in his work with the Center for Courage & Renewal, he transforms minds & lives.
Healing The Heart of Democracy - Parker Palmer, Part 1
Parker J. Palmer is author of 9 books including his latest Healing the Heart of Democracy: The Courage to Create a Politics Worthy of the Human Spirit. In his writing and in his work with the Center for Courage & Renewal, he transforms minds & lives.
Peace-Work Quilt - Supporting CO's And Conscience
Singing the Goddess: Stasa Morgan-Appel
Stasa Morgan-Appel is a Pagan Quaker with the gift of leading & sharing music and her feminist-pagan identity puts her at a particular spot on the wide Pagan spectrum. She co-authored A Winter Solstice Singing Ritual book & CD. She led a workshop on "Singing the Goddess" at the 2011 FGC gathering and is accompanied by 3 members of the workshop - Sandy Moon, Peggy Bright and Denise Madland - for this program.
Carrie Newcomer's Song of the Soul
Carrie Newcomer is a musical beacon of light & soul from Indiana. She is consciously reaching inward, gently sharing what she finds, delighting in people and flashes of the Divine everywhere. She's got 12 recordings of her own material and regularly collaborates with other musicians, poets, and writers. She is a member of Bloomington, Indiana, Friends Meeting.
Goin' Wild - Wild Foods and Fauna
Rwandan Witness - Friends at Ground Zero
John Lamoreau - Waging Peace/Biblical Pacifism
John Lamoreau has a Master of Arts in Peace Studies and is the co-author of Waging Peace: A Study In Biblical Pacifism, written 26 years ago with about 25 reprintings since then. John is an Evangelical Friend/Quaker, with deep concern for faithfulness to Jesus and to the life Jesus directed that we live. He has the peculiar distiction of being perhaps the only avowed pacifist to be endorsed by the National Rifle Association.