Song of the Soul invites you to a soul-level encounter. Music has the ability to proclaim the soul's language beyond what mere words can speak. That's what we seek as we invite our guests to share their Song of the Soul. You will hear the music that has charted the steps of their spiritual journey, that has provided a touchstone in the soul's dark night, and sung the hearts awe and joy when come to the Light. As you listen to Song of the Soul, you are both witness and companion to our guest's spiritual path and sacred testimony.

Song of the Soul guests provide 20-23 minutes of the music of their soul, and Mark Helpsmeet explores with them the relevance and meaning of this music to their experience. Most guests are musicians, usually sharing their own music, but some guests are simply sharing music they've been impacted by, written and performed by others.

The theme song for this program is by Cris Williamson and is called "Song of the Soul". Please check out the wealth of great music Cris has gifted to the world.

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A Stained Glass Serpentine Cycle of Money - Danny Schmidt's Song of the Soul

October 7, 2021

Danny Schmidt is one of many talented artists with the Americana Agency. Danny is profound and down-home, and he has an amazing gift for stunning lyrics, with influences like Bob Dylan & Leonard Cohen - and many others. Raised Jewish, his current spiritual outlook is not bound to any church or organization.

I Learned It In Sunday School - Andy Murray's Song of the Soul

October 7, 2021

Andy Murray's music has been featured regularly on our Spirit In Action program because his music is steeped in a combination of deep spirit and healing work for the world. Andy has long worked as a teacher of Peace and Conflict studies at Juniata College in Pennsylvania. With a singer/songwriter sideline that has spanned 3 plus decades, Andy has created a lot of wonderful music, much of it originating with his lifelong faith as a member of the Church of the Brethren, one of the historic peace churches.