Song of the Soul invites you to a soul-level encounter. Music has the ability to proclaim the soul's language beyond what mere words can speak. That's what we seek as we invite our guests to share their Song of the Soul. You will hear the music that has charted the steps of their spiritual journey, that has provided a touchstone in the soul's dark night, and sung the hearts awe and joy when come to the Light. As you listen to Song of the Soul, you are both witness and companion to our guest's spiritual path and sacred testimony.

Song of the Soul guests provide 20-23 minutes of the music of their soul, and Mark Helpsmeet explores with them the relevance and meaning of this music to their experience. Most guests are musicians, usually sharing their own music, but some guests are simply sharing music they've been impacted by, written and performed by others.

The theme song for this program is by Cris Williamson and is called "Song of the Soul". Please check out the wealth of great music Cris has gifted to the world.

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Leftover Dreams & Peace of the Present

October 7, 2021

Patrice Haan has been part of the leadership of the Bay Area Folk Harp Society, producing music with an instrument wonderfully compatible with her voice & lyrics. She has 2 CDs on her own, and another 2 as part of the duet Leftover Dreams. Whether she's singing the water-infused songs of her own pen, sharing healing in hospitals with Healing Muses or performing the jazz/torch song music of Leftover Dreams, there's loads of heart & Spirit to bask in.

Musical Mystic - Rahbi Crawford's Song of the Soul

October 7, 2021

Rahbi Crawford does amazing music with a unique focus, stimulating the energy & health of our chakras and the system they are part of. With crystal bowls, wood flutes, wooden frogs and more, Rahbi follows an intuitive muse on a mystical, musical, journey. From Catholic, to born-again Christian, to chakra adept, Rahbi shows us new possibilities.

Freedom Dance & Slick Savage Love

October 7, 2021

Kevin Slick has Pennsylvanian roots, New York growth, and a Coloradan canopy. Sure, since he was 5, that music was where he was going, Kevin has been inspired by folks like Pete Seeger and the Beatles to find the soul of music. He has performed solo and with bands like Steel Pennies, Neo Pseudo, and The Amen Trio, and he's done many musical genres, including instrumental film scores, AND he wrote a song called Dancing Naked in God's Navel. There is much here to marvel at and glory in and move to.

My Roots Go Down

October 7, 2021

Pete Seeger once said, "If you want to hear some of the best songs out there today...listen to Sarah Pirtle," an author and musician with deep roots which feed the abundant branches and fruits of her work for peace, wholeness, and care for the planet.

Gonna Take it with Me: Sue Kranz's Song of the Soul

October 7, 2021

Sue Kranz is a musical gift, and humble on top of that. Rooted in mindfulness meditation, thriving in nature, changing the world through activism and teaching, Sue shares a beautiful soul, voice, guitar and flute, helping the world be a better place. Starting as a solo act, she has delighted in performing with a 6-woman group, Constellations, and currently partners with Ben Tousley, previously on Song of the Soul. Contact Sue to get her earlier recordings.