Song of the Soul invites you to a soul-level encounter. Music has the ability to proclaim the soul's language beyond what mere words can speak. That's what we seek as we invite our guests to share their Song of the Soul. You will hear the music that has charted the steps of their spiritual journey, that has provided a touchstone in the soul's dark night, and sung the hearts awe and joy when come to the Light. As you listen to Song of the Soul, you are both witness and companion to our guest's spiritual path and sacred testimony.

Song of the Soul guests provide 20-23 minutes of the music of their soul, and Mark Helpsmeet explores with them the relevance and meaning of this music to their experience. Most guests are musicians, usually sharing their own music, but some guests are simply sharing music they've been impacted by, written and performed by others.

The theme song for this program is by Cris Williamson and is called "Song of the Soul". Please check out the wealth of great music Cris has gifted to the world.

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Wondrous Particle of the Nelson Muse

February 23, 2021

Particle Kid (J. Micah Nelson) is a fountain of insight, creativity, vision, & inspiration - through music. The recipient of a wondrous musical muse passed from his father, Willie Nelson, and through his older brother, Lukas Nelson, Micah magically synthesizes light, sound, thought, & melody into songs to grow the soul. Micah is closely rooted in the sustainable Earth at the same he soars high in the sky, a creator of Window Rock.

Artists Changing the World

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Guitar or the Gun

February 23, 2021

Justin Jay Arnold is himself and nobody else, happy to wrestle with the full range of beliefs, heading toward preacher-hood complete with his tattoos, scraggly beard, & shaved head, and making his own music of whatever type. With a father who played in the Feather River Canyon Band, and with influences like CCR, Waylon Jennings, & Elvis, Justin's gravelly, open-hearted vocals and lyrics swim on the deep side with no saccharine taste at all. Who else sings of choosing between a guitar and a bullet to his head? Find his 3 albums to-date on CDBaby.

Loving Beyond Knowing

February 23, 2021

With her music, Carrie Newcomer shines light, raises up hope, and brings us home to that perfect center in our hearts, the place where the Divine and our very best both reside.With 3 new CDs and 3 years additional experience since our last visit, we're overdue to have her back. Carrie Newcomer lives in south-central Indiana, and has released a total of 18 CDs; Carrie periodically shares the stage with writer & profound thinker, Parker Palmer, in a collaboration called The Growing Edge.

The Green Trees of Ithaca

December 16, 2021

Will Fudeman's musical muse is very strongly connected to his hopes, prayers, & vision for the world. Having worked as a social worker & therapist, he is currently doing healing work with Eastern arts including acupuncture & Qi Gong. Will completes his lifework with his music, which he performs on guitar & mandolin. Spiritually/philosophically fueled by both his Jewish Identity and Taoist leanings, he sings with meaning and a promise of hope. Will has performed with a number of artists, including Cayuga Klezmer Revival. Find Will's 3 CDs on CDBaby.