George Lakey passes on the inspirations that led him to a life of activism & social change, among them Bayard Rustin & Lucrecia Mott.
Bayard Rustin
Black, Gay, & Invisible at MLK's Side
For much of his life of activism, Bayard Rustin was asked to stay invisible, even as he was a leading organizer behind a number of crucial actions, including the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs & Freedom, because he was gay. Bayard Rustin, Invisible Activist is a biography for young folks which paints a vivid portrait of Bayard's life.
Black Fire: African American Quakers on Spirituality and Human Rights
The topic is race, racism & religion, both within Quaker meetings and in America at-large. Paul Kriese co-ediited Black Fire: African American Quakers on Spirituality and Human Rights, and he draws on his experience growing up in a black neighborhood and his academic formation in Political Science and Peace Studies to shine the Light on race relations.