Kevin McMullin has created a powerful one-man show called Into the Black Sea: Stories of Darkness and Light to invite the audience to journey alongside the voyage of hurt, healing, and uncertainly he has traveled with the onset of a brain tumor. Kevin uses storytelling and music to walk a mile in his hospital bed, and out of it, show all a way to look honestly into the confusion, pain, and loving that confronts most of us at one time or another of our lives.
Interfaith United
A letter about Interfaith collaboration was published in Eau Claire's Leader-Telegram on 12/2/17, signed by 33 representatives of various faiths in the Chippewa Valley. The joint letter was in response to a local congregation featuring an ex-Muslim Christian convert who was to speak warning of the dangers of Interfaith dialogue. Seven people from different faiths read the communal letter. |
Prays Well With Others
In an atmosphere where so often there is religious intolerence & distrust, it's beautiful to see diverse spiritual communities sharing deeply together. At Eau Claire's Interfaith Prayer Service for Peace & Unity, conceived by Bob Lesniewski, a Benedictine oblate, prayers were shared from Presbyterian, Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Ba'hai, Catholic, & Quaker representatives. It was a rich sharing of diverse faiths, warming a cold winter night. The next Eau Claire Interfaith Prayer Service will be May 23, 2018. When will yours be?
Dancing Peace in Cuba & Around the World
The Friendly Folk Dancers have been "Dancing the World Together" through international folk dance since 1986, and they toured in Cuba in 2010, Rwanda in 2008, Kenya in 1996, and many other place in other years. With a ministry of peace and connection, they've prayed with their full bodies and learned with each step. This program was recorded in Cuba in November 2010.
Sami Rasouli 2008 - Muslim Peacemaker Teams
As a dual citizen of Iraq and the USA, resident for 20 years of the Twin Cities in Minnesota, Sami Rasouli brings a special perspective to his work with the Muslim Peacemaker Teams.