Being Love: Laura Marie

February 23, 2021

Laura Marie brings to her music exactly the talents & inspirations that make for exquisite, soul-moving, life-affirming, path-changing songs. With the honesty, vulnerability, clarity, and power of a person who has experienced daunting adversity, faced it squarely, and triumphed over the injuries, Laura Marie perfectly demonstrates how to make beautiful music, shining with soul.

The End of Juvenile Prison

March 9, 2024

Burning Down the House: The End of Juvenile Prison, by Nell Bernstein, takes an unflinching look at the travesty we call juvenile prison. She has an unequivocal solution - get rid of them. With some 20 years of knowing the system and by telling the stories of the victims of it, Nell explores the history, reform, trends, and consequences of the "reformatories" which do the exact opposite of their supposed purpose.

The Chimpanzee Chronicles and Growing Compassion

February 23, 2021

Debra Rosenman is author of the upcoming collection, The Chimpanzee Chronicles: Spellbinding Stories from Behind the Bars, about our closest animal cousin. It's about increasing understanding & compassion, something Debra also does through her workshops on Journey into the Animal Heart Circles and by her private practice as a Certified Rubenfeld Synergist and Somatic Archaeologist.