With the passing last week of Joe Elder, a bright light for peace and justice and a dear friend and neighbor to so many has left us. We feel led to bring you again the interview we did with Joe 15 years ago, so that we can all hear Joe's voice once more. Back then, we told you that Joe Elder was the recipient on October 3rd, 2009, of a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Wisconsin Network for Peace & Justice. Joe has traveled the world with quiet off-the-record messages and worked for peace from Vietnam to Sri Lanka.
Blood Against the Draft & A Protest Primer
First Air Date
David Eberhardt was one of the Baltimore Four, along with Phil Berrigan, and David spent 21 months in prison for pouring blood on Selective Service draft records.
Resister - Doing Time for Doing Good
First Air Date
Bruce Dancis is author of Resister: A Story of Protest and Prison during the Vietnam War, was raised by secular Jewish parents, nurtured at the NY Society for Ethical Culture, and became a passionate advocate for social justice and student leader as a student at Cornell U.
I Ain't Marching Anymore - A Sister's Tribute to Phil Ochs
First Air Date
Sonny Ochs, sister to folk legend Phil Ochs, has helped carry forward the powerful legacy of Phil's music. On almost every topic - war, prejudice, immigration, etc - the songs are as meaningful today as back in the 60-70's. Just released, the documentary, Phil Ochs: There But For Fortune.
Magpie's Song for the Earth - Greg Artzner - Part 2
First Air Date
Greg Artzner is half of Magpie, a duo aimed directly at calling the world to consciousness in terms of peace, justice, equality and care for the Earth. They work on stage and in the classroom, providing a too-seldom used window into a more honest and helpful way of seeing our history & future.
Mediator & Prisoner for Peace
First Air Date
Joseph Maizlish voluntarily relinquished his deferment during the Vietnam War and spent 2 1/2 years in jail. His work now includes mediation and activities with Southern California War Tax Resistance. Family counseling, civil rights, antinuclear work are all part of his path.
Music Featured:
Have You Been to Jail for Justice? - Anne Feeney
Travelers - Andy & Terry Murray