Judi Jaeger grew up in Canada, but moved to the USA decades ago and became a US citizen. Considering her early passion for and proficiency in music, it's surprising that she completely abandoned that side of her soul for about 25 years, while studying and working as a lawyer, and as a parent.
Soul-food from Kitchener & the Qur'an
For great folk music north-of-the-border, Dawud Wharnsby is the one. Homeboy of Kitchener, Ontario, with roots also in Syria and Pakistan, Dawud weaves nature, vulnerability, faith, truth, and universality into song, integrally linked to the Islamic path he walks. Occasionally he performs as part of the Abraham Jam, a Jewish-Christian-Muslim collaboration trio.
Ep 19 Promoting Health and Bee Populations
Climate Change stirs up a lot of emotions! How do these feelings affect each of us? How do we cope? How do we move past paralyzing despair to a place of hope and action? Also, we hear from a sculptor using her art to save bee populations.
Nathen Aswell's Song of the Soul
Nathen Aswell is a Canadian singer/songwriter who believes his purpose in this life is to inspire and heal through his music. His debut CD "Little By Little" is a mix of excellent music with deep Spirit.
All Shall Be Well - Eileen McGann's Song of the Soul
Eileen McGann is a Canadian singer/songwriter who combines a stunning voice, deep passion for the natural world, wide-ranging education and thoughts with a rich Irish/Celtic upbringing to make top notch music of the Spirit.