Tyrants Always Fall as The Nields Arise

March 7, 2024

Our guest is Nerissa Nields, who shares equal lead billing with her sister, Katryna, of the group known as The Nields. Their website proclaims them to be "equal parts Beatles, Cranberries and Joni Mitchell", and that description is admirably accurate and concise. It's hard to adequately capture the power of their songs and voices except to tell you that you need to brace yourself to be inspired, moved, and likely brought to tears.

Micro-Activism & Sustainable Change: Omkari Williams

February 29, 2024

We all know that the world needs all the energy for change that we can give it, but we also know how easy it is to burn out on activism. Fortunately Omkari Williams has formulated methods of activism for the long haul, and she shares the insights and strategies in her book, Micro Activism: How You Can Make a Difference in the World without a Bullhorn.

Growing Edge of Parker Palmer & Carrie Newcomer

August 31, 2023

Two great guests: the amazing thinker & author, Parker Palmer, is joined by the wonderful singer, songwriter, & world healer, Carrie Newcomer. They share their various collaborations, the first being a word, song & connecting experience called Healing the Heart of Democracy, then there was What We Need Is Here, and their newest collaboration is called The Growing Edge.

Pacifists in the Belly of the Military Beast

June 9, 2022

Today's Spirit In Action guests, both strongly pacifist, moved to areas that were overwhelmingly and oppressively military-oriented, and had to figure how to deal with that, both for themselves and for their families. Lucretia Humphrey's journey took her to Great Falls, Montana, surrounded by nuclear warheads, and Molly Wingate ended up in Colorado Springs, in the midst of a number of military bases.