Paula Tibbs is a member of Eau Claire's First Presbyterian Church clearly open to the direction of the Spirit. Her passionate concern for the people of the Congo and experiece as Elder for Mission for her church has led her to head toward seminary this coming year.
Paula's path, raised "V & E" (Vacation Bible School and Easter) Presbyterian, a sojourn with Catholics, but eventually finding a home with Eau Claire's Eau Claire's First Presbyterian Church is not front-page news - but it speaks of the way God's hand moves among us. For example, her "useless" French major in college led her, years later, to a deep concern for the French-speaking people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Music Featured:
Guide My Feet - Bill Harley
One Person At A Time - Andy & Terry Murray
Here I Am
Children of Abraham - John McCutcheon
Belle Amie (Beautiful Friend) - Kanda Bongo Man
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