Alaine Duncan - Crossings HealingWorks

photo of Alaine Duncan

Alaine is an acupuncturist, a Quaker and a peaceworker who has found her "divine enough". Through Crossings Healingworks she does healing work with soldiers and their healers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and a Veterans Administration Hospital in her area.

The "Restore & Renew Wellness Clinic" serves staff at Walter Reed and she works with the War Related Illness and Injury Study Center at the VA hospital.

This program includes Alaine Duncan's speech "Courageously Faithful: Bringing Peace to War" and a personal interview with Alaine.

First Air Date

Alaine Duncan - Crossings HealingWorks

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and her use of acupuncture to treat the medical workers and veterans.
she never thought she was not doing enough for peace but found that the small things are important also. she found her divine enough.
her wish was always to make the world a better place. she never felt she was doing enough. She now sees that she is doing enough by doing her acupuncture.
She heard about a veteran that committed suicide after he couldn't live with himself and what he was made to do. Then she started treating the staff of the hospital at her center that resulted in her getting in to the veterans hospital.
ones that the listeners need to consider.
she started out as a presbyterian. drifted away during college. She also took bumper stickers off her car because of her new job. peace oriented ones.

Broadcast Date(s)


Alaine Duncan


exceptional ! What a terrific path to peace. Hoping Lee Anna might be interested in gettin hold of Alaine Duncan (< : good work !

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