Mike Boehm - Vietnam Peace Park and Loan Fund

photo of some of the children Mike helped

Mike Boehm was angry after the Vietnam War, a war for which he volunteered, as he learned of the deceipt and injustice that were part of that war. After a retreat from society, he found a new and powerful calling as he became the leading force toward establishment of 2 peace parks and many micro-credit loan funds to heal some of the wounds of the war, both for Americans and Vietnamese.

Mike speaks elequently and powerfully of his encounters with "the enemy" as part of his and other veterans and non-veterans attempt to come to terms with their life-changing experience of the Vietnam War. He shares stories of his encounters with survivors of the My Lai Massacre - and other massacres - but especially of the grace and transformation of his work in Vietnam. Mike, raised Catholic, is strongly non-religious, but performs his work as a primary force with a non-profit agency called Madison Quakers, Inc.

You can get involved in Mike's work by checking out their web site, MyLaiPeacePark.org, by emailing Mike at tinhkhe@yahoo.com or you can call him at (608) 244-9505.

Music Featured:
Korea - Utah Phillips and Ani Difranco
Taps - played by Mike Boehm
Ashokan Farewell - played by Mike Boehm

First Air Date

Mike Boehm - Vietnam Peace Park and Loan Fund

Audio file

Mike didn't even know he was carrying a wound within, like many people, about the war. His road to healing included a trip to Puerto Rico which showed him to possibilities of reconciliation through action.
Mike had wounds from abuse in his childhood, so it took some time to see that his work in Vietnam WAS spiritual work, though not religious work.
Mike's sense of what spirituality is...
Mike speaks of the reaction of Vietnamese to former US Military - surprisingly, one of understanding!
The My Lai Peace Park is networking and exchanging support with Japanese, including those from the Hiroshima Peace Park. Also, Mike shares a story of one GI's steps toward healing.
On his first trip to Vietnam, Mike share the plane with 100 members of the Moscow Symphany Orchestra - and exchanged down-home American fiddle tunes for classic Russian.

Broadcast Date(s)


Mike Boehm


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