Song of the Soul invites you to a soul-level encounter. Music has the ability to proclaim the soul's language beyond what mere words can speak. That's what we seek as we invite our guests to share their Song of the Soul. You will hear the music that has charted the steps of their spiritual journey, that has provided a touchstone in the soul's dark night, and sung the hearts awe and joy when come to the Light. As you listen to Song of the Soul, you are both witness and companion to our guest's spiritual path and sacred testimony.

Song of the Soul guests provide 20-23 minutes of the music of their soul, and Mark Helpsmeet explores with them the relevance and meaning of this music to their experience. Most guests are musicians, usually sharing their own music, but some guests are simply sharing music they've been impacted by, written and performed by others.

The theme song for this program is by Cris Williamson and is called "Song of the Soul". Please check out the wealth of great music Cris has gifted to the world.

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Introspective & Nature-spective Music from Sigrid Christiansen

First Air Date

Some people just shine with heart and soul in their music, and Sigrid Christiansen is a perfect example. In the 5 years since I first interviewed Sigrid, she produced two new recordings, full of introspective and nature-spective music, leading us to know our coyote, fox, swans, geese, and tree neighbors much better and closer, From Detroit, Michigan, comes the blessings of arms-wide-open love and a pathway to a deep centeredness.

Channeling Scotch-Irish Folk Music, Spirituals, and More

First Air Date

Andrew Calhoun is the real deal, applying all the skill & integrity needed to faithfully channel folk songs & folk culture through his dancing, delightful guitar, but also his deep & evocative voice. With loads of recordings over the decades, he's distinguished himself through Scotch-Irish songs and his African-American spirituals. He lives just outside of Chicago, IL.

Singing Reconnection to Earth & Iran with Lydia Violet

First Air Date

Lydia Violet is an amazing musician, songwriter, educator, & community activist, combining fiddle, clawhammer banjo, & voice to change & heal the Earth. Mentored by Joanna Macy, Lydia got her degree in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness from the California Institute of Integral Studies, and weaves her music & Earthcare studies together in her Music Medicine program at her School for the Great Turning.