Mysticism Meets Folk, Country, & World Music

Dada Veda

Dada Veda uses a couple different taglines. One is Meditation, Music and Social Vision, and the other is Eastern Mysticism meets folk, country, and world music. He is a monk at the Ananda Liina Spiritual Eco-Community in Urbana, Illinois, where he teaches meditation and promotes the activism of his community through music. He is central in the work of RAWA (Renaissance Artists & Writers Association) and their Songs for Social Change contest, and broadcasts music on-line via

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Eastern, Jewish 

All the songs in this program are written & performed by Dada Veda:
Remember the Sun Will Shine - from Remember the Sun Will Shine
We Are Never Alone or Helpless - from Love is the Best
Make Me Humble - from As the World Spins Around
Trickle on Down - from Trickle on Down
Do What You Can - from Do What You Can
Love is All There Is - from Do What You Can

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Mysticism Meets Folk, Country, & World Music

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Dada Veda


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