George Lakey has been on the vanguard of nonviolent activism for over 50 years, doing, innovating, and teaching organizing & activism with ever more effective ways of helping humanity forward.
Ep 41 Tuskegee University Research Breakthrough and Acting for Climate
Tuskegee University is a historically Black University in Alabama founded in 1881. From the early work of George Washington Carver, Tuskegee has trained generations of researchers who are unraveling mysteries from the natural world. Dr.
Viking Economics
George Lakey really packs a punch with his book, Viking Economics: How the Scandinavians Got It Right - And How We Can Too
Climate Apocalyse, Messaging, & Pets
Guest-host Peterson Toscano of Citizens Climate Radio explores climate apocalypse, fear, & how to deliver the message effectively, in the first part of today's program, and in part two he'll talk about pets & climate change. Peterson speaks with Halldor Björnsson, the Head of the Atmospheric Research Group at Veðurstofa Iceland also known as the Icelandic Met Office, Dr.