Mike Plaisted lives out multiple passions, in part through his work as a lawyer performing a vital role in the lives of his clients, especially with folks in Drug Court, but also through his performing music, something that deeply feeds Mike. He's a member of the Milwaukee Musicians Co-op, and performs regularly on Riverwest Radio.
Milwaukee Musicians Co-op
34 Years of Cooperative Music
The Milwaukee Musicians Co-op is celebrating 34 years of upholding one-another as of 3/12/2016, at the 19th Street Coffeehouse. We talk to 5 long-time Co-op members to explore some of the soul of the group: One Lane Bridge/A.L. Williams, Rick Kokan, Mike Plaisted, Friar Otto/Michael Hoppe, Mud River Lee
Clear Water Meets Mud River Lee
Mud River Lee & the Bluegrass Orchestra (or sometimes the Bluegrass Bells) has been a fixture of the Milwaukee Folk Music scene for decades. Lee is also a co-founder and mainstay for the Milwaukee Musicians Coop. With a down-home style all his own, Lee warms a room with good music and a great ambiance. Lee's in Milwaukee and I'm in Eau Claire (Clear Water, in English).