George Lakey - Quaker Activist, Organizer, Sociologist, Trainer, & Author - from the Everyday Nonviolence Podcast

The team at of FNVW and their Everyday Nonviolence Podcast guest-hosts today for Spirit In Action. PJ Hoffman interviews acclaimed sociologist, writer, and Quaker activist George Lakey about a broad swath of his life in activism, including his recent memoir Dancing with History: a life for peace and justice. George was at the center of social change activism, starting with the Civil Rights movement, continuing with anti-nuclear and peace activism, including with the ship Phoenix, co-founding AQAGMovement for a New SocietyTraining for Change, and Earth Quaker Action Team, among other groups, projects, and movements. See a video of highlights of the EQAT at the PNC Bank on July 3, 2014.

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George Lakey - Quaker Activist, Organizer, Sociologist, Trainer, & Author - from the Everyday Nonviolence Podcast

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George Lakey
PJ Hoffman


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