Women's Pride, Women's Wings: Randie O'Neil

Randie O'Neil

Randie O'Neil's music is magnetic, especially in the deeply honest feelings and aspirations of her songs. Randie has self-described as a Americana/Folk-Pop artist, but she is also standing on the shoulders of a number of heavy-rocking, strong-and-assertive-and-determined women who blazed a way in a mostly male-dominated rock world. Though her songs are largely solo artistry now, back in the day Randie was part of AMA (Against Medical Advice), though she is truly FMA (For Mental-health Advancement).

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Lutheran, Moravian, Mindfulness, Non-affiliated

All featured music is written & performed by Randie O'Neil:
Daddy's Pride - from Full Moon Rising, watch the video
I Walk Alone - from Here I Stand, watch the video
Here I Stand - from Here I Stand, watch the video
I'm Not That Girl - from I'm Not That Girl, watch the video
Wings To Fly - from Here I Stand, watch the video
Treat Me Right - from Full Moon Rising, watch the video

Episode Number


First Air Date

Randie O'Neil's Full, Uncut, Song of the Soul

Audio file

Women's Pride, Women's Wings: Randie O'Neil

Audio file

Mark & Randie both share an enthusiasm for horror & sci-fi movies!
Randie was influenced by the women rockers, while the feminist folk women transformed Mark.

Broadcast Date(s)


Randie O'Neil


You’re amazing! So honored to be part of your show!! Keep on keeping on!!!

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