Music of Autumn Sky in a Spring Heart

Autumn Sky Hall

Autumn Sky Hall is an amazing and astounding - and young - folk/Americana singer/songwriter hailing from Sacramento, CA, complete with an enchanting & versatile voice, dancing guitar fingers, and emotionally compelling lyrics. Autumn pours her inner experience and growth through her songs so that to hear her is to know her and the human condition better. Find her on Facebook, on Bandcamp, and all the usual places.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Non-denominational Christian, Non-affiliated, Buddhism

All featured music is written & performed by Autumn Sky Hall:
Bells - from Scout EP
Me, Us & You (Blink of an Eye)
Perfect Example Of
My Anxious Brain & My Broken Heart
I Woke Up

Episode Number


First Air Date

Autumn Sky's Full, Uncut Song of the Soul

Audio file

Music of Autumn Sky in a Spring Heart

Audio file

Autumn's graduation, emotionally, happened.
What color is Autumn's hair, really?
Learning self-compassion makes all the difference.
Gender roles & the experience of compassion, co-dependence, and holding healthy boundaries.

Broadcast Date(s)


Autumn Sky Hall


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